Monday, March 17, 2008


we just got back to our hotel room in verbier, switzerland. verbier is a beautiful ski resort filled with rich ('cause you have to be) young euro-hipsters. richard branson just opened a hotel here. he has a drink on the bar menu for a paltry 10,000 swiss francs. these aren't the folks that come to see a band like us on a whim. they're here to party and meet like-minded euro-hipsters. nonetheless... we rocked the house. here's some photos from the last few days of the tour:

freddy, carolyn and the mighty clemens (owener and senator of the bullwinkle) dressed up in his Los Straitjackets gear in oberstdorf, germany:

a rainbow en route to germany:

our friend, ray ray, who met up with us in oberstdorf and traveled with us to geneva:

eric and me hanging before the show in geneva:

freddy's van in switzerland after getting tagged by graffiti vandals in geneva:

carolyn and eric eating dinner before the show tonight in vebier:

us in the van:

the poor dog that sits beneath freddy's belgium butt:

carolyn, who loves eggs more than life itself, is unhappy in this photo as she has just discovered this smushed hard boiled egg in her pocket... oh the humanity:

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