Thursday, February 12, 2009

It feels like spring in February

Lots of happenings in the world of music recently: two shows with Mr. Brownstone in the last week, Boss Tweed returns to Red Hook next week, new recordings in the works for Carolyn's record and some country shows with The Poor Man's Roses at Rodeo Bar and BB King's Club. The guitarsenal is as strong as ever, never letting me down. I've also been working up my fiddle (not 'violin') chops to play with some roots musicians, country bands and the like. It's been a hoot busting out the ol' whiney box to play Hank Williams songs and record some parts for Carolyn's upcoming record. Some recent photos:

Brooklyn pigeons take flight:
Recording with Dennis Pierce at his studio:
Eric recording his drum parts:
Most of Mr. Brownstone in the parking lot of the Starland Ballroom, Sayreville, NJ. "Wudum I doin'?" That pretty much sums up that gig.
Mr. B played an unannounced show at the Bell House in Park Slope, Brooklyn this past Tuesday 2/10. Comedian Eugene Mirman hosted a release party for his new book, The Will to Whatevs, with performances by some of our fave comics such as David Cross and Paul F. Thompkins of 'Mr. Show' fame, John Hodgman from 'The Daily Show' and Kristen Schaal, who plays the creepy obsessive fan on HBO's 'Flight of the Conchords.' Eugene asked us to play a short set at the end of the night to indulge his inner rockness. At one point most of the comedians joined us onstage. The crowd had no idea we were to be part of the show and although most of them enjoyed our set and got the joke, I can't say everyone was thrilled to see a Guns n' Roses tribute band. Hey, I can't blame them...

Sean and David Cross (Todd Barry is just behind David, Eugene is on the right):
Izzy n' Slash:
Sean, David Cross wearing my top hat, Todd Barry, Eugene Mirman & me:
Hey, it's just this thing we keep doing...

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