well folks here we are, back in beautiful ljubljana, slovenia. Boss Tweed is back on tour with our delightful belgian tour manager, freddy spaepen. we're over here for a month working the summer festival circuit in slovenia, austria, bosnia, serbia and coratia. not exactly the kinds of places that might top your list of "countries i must see before i die" but this is a beautiful part of the world and the folks here love Boss Tweed. i'm sure david hasselhoff never planned on touring germany so much but hey... you gotta go where the money is.
we got off to a bit of a rocky start: i scraped my arm up on my flight case getting to the airport:
our flight from jfk was delayed which caused us to miss our connecting flight to munich out of london. upon our arrival in germany we were told that my guitar, carolyn's bass, eric's cymbals and carolyn's bag of clothes (which also had all of our merch in it) were simply left behind in london. no explanation... they just said a decision was made to leave them behind. thanks lufthansa! since we had our first show in maribor, slovenia that night we had two choices: miss the gig and just wait in munich to get our gear on the next incoming flight or race the 5 hours to maribor and hopefully borrow some gear to perform with... meanwhile trusting that the airlines were going to deliver our equipment safely to ljubjlana, slovenia the next day. so we crossed our fingers and sped off in the freddy-mobile. we literally made the trip just in time to hop on the stage and rock. the festival organizers were great and were able to round up enough gear for us to play (thanks sandy!)... carolyn lucked out and got a fender jazz bass on loan. i was not so lucky... ending up with a korean made samick with a floyd rose whammy bar and a laney half stack. for you non-gear heads, you would be hard pressed to assemble a guitar rig that would be farther from what i normally play. the set-up might be better suited to a metal band like slipknot or eeep! steve vai. here's me with the guitar backstage:
we did our thing and played a good show (all things considered) and yesterday we were able to retrieve all of our gear and baggage intact from the airport here in ljubjlana.
after doing a quick interview for slovenian mtv, we spent the afternoon walking around beautiful downtown ljubjlana yesterday. we didn't have much of a chance to explore this older part of town the last time we were here. this is truly a beautiful city, full of old world charm and elegance- hey look! they even have native slov-indian pan-flute street performers!
some of the succulent local cuisine:
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