Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Off To Arizona!

Busy bees, busy bees...

A full update coming soon but in the meantime: While on an amazing camping trip in Vermont, I asked Carolyn to marry me. She heartily accepted. Their was much rejoicing. We had an incredible time camping with some dear friends that weekend at Lake Dunmore. The bugs were plentiful. Fast forward a few weeks and we're now living in Phoenix, Arizona where I am attending The Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery and Carolyn is continuing to pursue her music, writing and photography. All her goodies can be had at During the six month program I'm enrolled in, I'll be learning the fundamentals of guitar design, construction and repair. Pretty amazing stuff to get inside the builder's head and know what it takes to create a great instrument. Of course, true mastery can take years... but we're on our way.

One photo for now: my work bench as it looked this morning. Sitting in the center of the bench is a long aluminum sanding block and two pieces of spruce that will make up the top of the Martin OM style acoustic I'm building.

1 comment:

Brad said...

Much rejoicing, indeed!!!

Congrats, amigo(s)!